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Swiss SMEs: 10 reasons to accelerate your digital transformation

2020-2021, the COVID period, a pivotal year in terms of software implementation? 85% of Swiss SMEs have been able to collaborate and work remotely to cope with the crisis. (Source: DigiBarometer)

The majority of them are now convinced of the need to digitalize a growing proportion of their business to remain competitive.

Those who had previously neglected the appropriation of digital tools had to catch up in record time. On the other hand, 92% of SMEs say they want to accelerate this process. (Source: DigiBarometer)

However, numerous studies still show that the digitalization of Swiss companies is lagging behind that of other European Union countries.

So, if you're still not sure why digital transformation represents a major challenge for your company. Here are 10 reasons why you should make it a central part of your business strategy

What is digital transformation?

Also known as Industry 4.0 or Industry 2025, digital transformation is about helping your company align itself with the digital economy.. It's not just about implementing software in organizations. Incorporating new technologies into your organization is a modernization process. Digital transformation is much more than a simple modernization process. It's a strategic repositioning of companies, aimed at changing, innovating and reinventing organizations.

The objective remains the same, to put the customer at the heart of your business putting people above technology. It really means rethinking your workflow and renewing your mindset.

Digital transformation is a global process designed to integrate new skills, evolve processes and often change the business model.

It's an in-depth reinvention of the company, to bring it into line with the new aspirations of its employees, customers and shareholders.

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of digital transformation is not new.

The very origin of digital transformation takes us back 3 decades:

  • In the 90sthe gradual spread of PCs and the Internet in the workplace marked the birth of digital transformation.

  • The year 2000 marked an acceleration in this process, with the emergence of smartphones and the mobile Internet, making it easier to communicate and share information, and transforming usage.

  • In early 2010digital transformation became an obvious lever for performance and a guarantee of sustainability. All human organizations (companies, institutions, associations) are gradually becoming aware of the importance of this challenge.

  • From 2015 onwardsthe SaaS software boom has led to a proliferation of technological incursions into every area of the company's business; in particular, there has been an explosion in the number of collaborative tools designed to support teamwork (team communication, project management, document co-editing, electronic signatures, etc.).

Benefit 1 of digital transformation: improved efficiency.

One of the main advantages of implementing a new new ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is the exceptional improvement in efficiency.

Smoother communication between employees from one department to another, a continuous flow of data, transparency in customer follow-up. The result is an efficient sales process that can save you time, money and resources.

For every business activity, there's a tool or application that can help you improve existing processes. Here are a few examples:

  • CRM, lead management and sales automation (Hubspot) ;

  • Customer relationship management, online contract signing (DocuSign).

Advantage 2 of digital transformation:

improving the customer experience.

The only way to keep customers loyal is to keep them satisfied. With the implementation of software or digital tools, you'll be able to offer omnichannel customer support.. They'll be able to contact you via website, phone, app, social media, ... depending on their choice. So it's easier to reach your target customers.

According to one study, 67% of companies see an omnichannel strategy as a way to better meet consumer expectations with a seamless journey across all channels!

One example is the use of chatbots, a reliable and practical customer approach. Indeed, when everything is digital, it becomes easier to track, obtain information and provide personalized assistance.. Hence the improved user experience.

Advantage 3 of digital transformation: business process automation.

This is one of the most visible benefits of software implementation in 2023. You'll replace redundant, time-consuming tasks with process process automation that will save you time and energy.

The right digital technology will reduce manual labor and human effort, for even more accurate and faster results. A real opportunity for your sales force to get the most out of the game!

For example, when a new prospect subscribes to your newsletter, an automatic welcome message is immediately sent.

Digitizing your sales processes means having an "improved" version of the salesperson. He'll become more digital, more social, but also more focused on customer solutions than product promotion... And for even greater results, you need to think about improving your online reputation through digital marketing.

Advantage 4 of digital transformation: cost reduction.

Of course, the efficiency of the sales process results in considerable time savings. And time means money. Thanks to innovative tools, you can identify problems quickly and find solutions accordingly.

Cloud-based services are cost-effective and agile. Companies can choose the services that best meet their needs, and rationalize their IT and infrastructure costs.

By migrating to the cloud, you'll have instant, maintenance-free access. Google cloud for example, which has built on the success of Google Meet which has become popular with telecommuters. Alternatively Amazon Web Service which was the first to offer cloud computing.

Benefit 5 of digital transformation: increased revenues.

As you reduce costs, it will be easier to increase your revenues.

You more easily recognize flaws in your sales process which is essential for business development. Visibility into every aspect of your business improves best practices and revenues by assessing trends and capitalizing on data-driven opportunities.

By adopting digital strategies such as using data to make intelligent decisions and training employees in emerging technologies, companies can look forward to an increase of 23% ( (Source: IDG 2018 study) in sales.

Benefit 6 of digital transformation: easier, more accessible collaboration.

One of the greatest advantages of digital transformation is the process of storing documents on a central server. For example, the use of project management software such as ClickUp. The result is a real-time "collaborative" process with unity across your organization.

In terms of communication, the emergence of mobile applications means you can chat continuously with your colleagues, send documents. You can even organize and manage meetings from the comfort of your home or office.

What's more, automation reduces the problems associated with staff turnover and collaboration on complex projects by providing access to historical data and well-organized databases.

New communication assets that help to break down organizational silosproviding employees and managers with easy-to-use collaboration solutions, enabling seamless information sharing and better integration of teams in company-wide projects.

Advantage 7 of digital transformation: stimulating evolution 

A software implementation means freeing yourself from tradition and moving towards modern processes in your organization. Once your processes have been digitized, there are no no restrictions on evolution.

By eliminating manual labor from your processes, you can stimulate innovation within your company. Just what you need to keep up with the fierce competition.

In a context of digital transformation, the whole company is turning to innovation: new processes, new products and services. Hence the emergence of a genuine culture of innovation, stimulating and enriching for the whole company.

Benefit 8 of digital transformation: increased reliability.

As your organization grows, it will be difficult to rely on older systems. Implementing software in your structure will help you to effectively manage one of your major concerns, especially in the Swiss market, which is security or data loss.

One of the main objectives of any company's software implementation is to secure your customer data. So, for greater reliability, digitization remains an integral method.

Nevertheless, security in the cloud is becoming an essential requirement for all organizations. It's just a question of knowing how to make sure your data is truly secure.

Advantage 9 of digital transformation: greater productivity

By digitizing repetitive tasks, le temps your employees can focus on the important things. An automated workflow not only helps collaboration, but also encourages employees to do their best to be self-sufficient.

This will give you an overview of your operational processes: track the number of requests received, approved and rejected; le temps devoted to each task, the most time-consuming tasks, etc...

This allows you tooptimize every process to become as productive as possible.

Advantage 10 of digital transformation: remote access to data. 

The essential advantage of digital transformation is toaccess to all data anywhere, anytime.

The pandemic has made us all aware that being able to work remotely has become a necessity. Companies with digital transformation strategies in place found it easier to cope than others. With the acceptance of remote working everywhere, remote data access is now a requirement for organizations.

In fact, according to some experts, remote working will become the norm in many companies by 2022. And with good reason: many teleworkers are beginning to get used to this way of working, and to develop a taste for it.

A team dedicated to digital transformation

The 2021 digital transformation trend

This year, there are some key digital trends that business leaders and management teams need to be aware of, and they need to dissect the trends that work for their business in order to select the best technologies :

  • The adoption of digital operational models that can help to integrate and align teams. For example, integrated project management software such as ClickUp.

  • Technologies that enable big data collection - i.e. a place that can store prospect data, marketing and sales analyses and track customer behavior.

  • Better use use of chatbots and AI.

  • From communication platforms to help streamline corporate communicationsAt a time when more and more employees are starting to work remotely.

Customer relationship management systems such asHubSpot CRM or ClickUp make all the above possible, and offer long-term business value.

How can LANE Digital Consulting help you with your digital transition?

To avoid becoming the Kodak or Nokia of your industry, the experts at LANE Digital can advise you on digitalization and help you develop your company's potential in a sustainable way.

We can help you automate repetitive administrative tasks, implement CRM or project management software, set up chatbots for direct communication with prospects via the website, or develop a customized application for specific needs. And of course, we can also help you promote your business and stand out from the crowd on the Internet through digital marketing.

The Swiss market still has some way to go when it comes to digital transformation. But managers are quick to realize that digital technology is all-encompassing, and that its implementation must be at the service of corporate strategy.

As elsewhere in Europe, not all companies have the same degree of digital awareness, and caution is a frequently shared characteristic. 

Our experts can support you throughout your digital transition, on both technical and human aspects. We'll ensure that all your teams adopt the new technologies..

Entrepreneur and digital transformation

Digital transformation in 3 questions :

What is digital transformation or digitization?

It's a word that combines both innovation and adaptation. The term "digital" implies an association with technology, and the term "transformation" implies a new state of mind.

Nowadays, it has become a survival strategy for SMEs, enabling them to open up to new growth opportunities.

In other words, digital transformation means implementing innovative software or digital tools throughout your Swiss SME.

Why is it so important for Swiss SMEs?

SMEs account for 95% of Switzerland's economic fabric.

The digitization of small and medium-sized businesses is therefore a major challenge for the country to remain internationally competitive.

However, according to some experts, there is a kind of opposition between Swiss culture and digital culture.

What's true for individuals, who still prefer to pay on invoice rather than online, is also true for businesses, who are working on their digital transformation step by step. 

That said, to remain competitive, Switzerland must accelerate its digital transition.

Digital transformation is vital for all companies, whatever their sector or size. New technologies facilitate business processes and are designed to deliver a better customer experience.

If you don't embrace digital transformation, your competitors will, and your customers will then turn to your competitors - leaving you behind. 

What are the main advantages?

Inefficient processes waste time, money and discourage your workforce. Implementing software andautomate your processes will give new impetus to your business.

Thanks to digitalization, you will be able to :

  • standardize your system communication system

  • strengthening accountability through transparency of internal

  • minimize costs and increase revenueskeep an overview of your operational processes

  • simplify validation of actions taken.

For example, you can : 

  • need a customer relationship management tool to improve the customer experience and reduce friction between internal teams, 

  • obtain more data on prospects to ensure greater profitability and increased sales, 

  • or you want to boost productivity with new and improved automated processes. Or all of the above?

Executives first need to understand how they want to frame the conversation around their idea of digital transformation for their companies.

Next, they need to help their employees embrace this change by showing them how these new tools will benefit them, their teams and the company as a whole. 

LANE is on your side as you rethink your workflowand if you're interested in making digital part of your business strategy, you can book your appointment now.

Need some advice before you get started?

Make an appointment with our team to define your needs.


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